Therapy focused on Self-Compassion

With all that’s going on in the world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed ~ out of touch with yourself, constantly reacting to everyone else’s needs and expectations. You may know how to be there for others, but what about you? Relationships at home and at work get complicated, exhausting and painful when connecting also means self-sacrifice.



If you feel stuck in your relationship or career or you notice that you often feel defensive in conflicts with others, your relationship with yourself is probably out of alignment. When you ignore your needs or relate to yourself with criticism, rather than understanding, you’re more likely to make reactive choices that you later second-guess. You're not alone in this; many people feel like their own worst enemy. Therapy focused on self-compassion can help you:

  • feel more connected in relationships

  • develop better boundaries

  • lower stress

  • increase resilience when facing challenges

  • have greater insight, focus and effectiveness

Life transitions, challenges, and times of uncertainty can evoke powerlessness and frustration in many people. When life gives you a plot twist, your power lies in how you relate to it. When you develop your capacity for self-compassion, you come to trust yourself and better know your own wisdom. From that knowing, you can make more confident and compassionate choices in your relationships, health, finances and career.

My clients tend to be smart, quirky, creative, reflective, community-minded professionals. They are often perfectionists who expect a lot from themselves. At the same time, they sometimes find it difficult to take their needs seriously and then find that others don’t take their needs seriously, either. This often gets in the way of them having the kinds of relationships or work experiences that they want.

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